Slowing down and taking time out of the day to connect to body and breath is essential in maintaining balance and overall well being. This week's focus is on the sensation of touch, through guided meditation, breathing exercises, eye stretches and hand massage, we connect the mind to the body in the present moment through intentional focus on our senses. This week we specifically centered around the sensation of touch, we worked on how to connect to the energy in the palms, how to find calm amongst chaos by centering the mind and feeling into the hands. Practicing hand massages and sensory taps of the body to dive deeper into these sensations and how this centered focus can inspire calm in the body. In our modern lifestyle we use our hands, specifically the fingers daily on devices such as our phones and computers. This creates tension in the fingers and wrists that can like a chain reaction send tension up the arms to the neck and shoulders. We worked to release tension in the hands and arms through self massage. In addition we explored relaxing and releasing tension around the eyes. Closing down the eyes to bring greater attention to the sense of touch and feeling in the eyes we practiced simple eye movements to relax the mind and be present in the body. Take a few moments out of your day today to close down your eyes, take some slow intentional breaths and feel your body. Rub your palms together and feel the heat you can create. Place your warm hands over your heart and pour love into yourself!


