To sustainably love and care for others, I have the right to…
Take care of myself.
Maintain facets of my own life that are separate from my loved ones and those at work.
Seek help from others as I recognize the limits of my own endurance and strength.
Acknowledge that feelings of frustration, anger, depression and grief can live in the same heart as feelings of gratitude, hope, joy and relief.
Celebrate my caregiving, symptom management and/or professional victories.
Protect my individuality and my right to make a life for myself that will sustain me in the time when my loved ones, or those at work, may no longer need my full-time help.
Expect and demand that as new strides are made in sourcing resources, treatments and cures to aid and abet diseases, similar strides will be made toward aiding and emotionally supporting caregivers, families, friends and professionals.
Take pride in my role as a caregiver, patient or professional and applaud the courage it takes to care for and advocate for another human being, including myself.
Receive consideration, affection, forgiveness, and acceptance for what I do in my work and for my loved one for as long as I offer these qualities in return.
Offer my love, empathy and support to others in the form of volunteer hours, expertise, influence and/or monetary donations to further the mission of Raregivers. All forms of support are equal and honored.
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