Our Tuesday Self-care group was beautiful and deep. The focus was on the places we go when we compare. Comparison can be quite devastating and draining. We talked about how to interrupt the cycle of the comparing mind, and how to allow yourself to be as you are and trust that You Are ENOUGH.
I am enough
In order to stabilize in your "enoughness," the most important thing is to practice self-acceptance. Notice what supports self-acceptance and a feeling that you are enough just as you are, and what gets in the way.
It can be useful to practice noticing what it feels like to accept yourself versus what it feels like to go into comparison.
Notice your sensations, thoughts and feelings. Practice being mindful.
You might be having thoughts like, "I don't have a lot to give. Or I'm emotionally and mentally tapped out.” Whatever is true, be kind and compassionate to yourself.
Remember: Your Presence Is A Contribution
Beware of spending time on social media
Ask yourself whether it is useful for you to participate in social media. Many times for raregivers, Facebook and Instagram can be very distressing. Social Media might as well be a comparison party. You will see other people's children doing things like attending parties, going out to dinner and playing in football games. These are things that perhaps your rare child is unable to do. Therefore, it's likely that it is not useful to be on social media.
Coming Up Next Week: The Places we Go When We Search for Connection
The goal of Angel Aid is to be a place of community and connection. Often the Rare Journey feels like it is laced with loneliness, insecurity, and invisibility. Yet there is much possibility for connection and belonging. Let’s hold space with one another as we feel the understanding that we inherently have for each other.
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Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day! Please know that you are LOVED. All of you is welcome here in this community.
We look forward to being with you soon.