xBreath of Fire to Release and Detoxify. Qi Gong Flow to Move Energy.
The primary goal of practicing breath of fire yoga is to release toxins and chemicals from the cells in your body. Other health benefits include: Expanding your lung capacity and activating the deepest regions of your lungs that aren't used for typical breathing. Strengthening your vital strength and nervous system.
The breath of fire activates the third chakra energy center in the body also known as the solar plexus. Imagine an inner flame, the light of life force within. The breath of fire stokes this inner flame, burning up impurities and strengthening the lungs. Feel into the space below your sternum and above your navel. Breath of fire is done by pumping the navel in and up towards the solar plexus on the forceful exhale through the nose. The inhale happens automatically, the focus is on the strong pumping exhale. The breath releases from the nose with a powerful audible sound. When starting out, you may practice this pumping breath repeating for 15 seconds, then building up to 30 second sessions and eventually 45 seconds to a minute of this active breath. Pause between sessions and take deep slow breaths.
In order to maintain healthy energy flow or Chi throughout the body, it is important to move in ways that open the energy channels to prevent stagnation or build up of tension. Qi Gong is a gentle practice that is incredibly affective. Incorporating breath to movement and the focus of the mind, these simple flows incorporate side bends, twists and gentle squats to move the Chi and strengthen the physical form. Take a moment and stand with your feet hip width apart. Let your arms hang by your sides and allow a soft bend in your knees. With your inhale, raise your arms over your head. With your exhale, let the arms slowly release back to the sides. Notice how you feel after several breaths like this.