We had a very potent conversation this week in our Tuesday Women's Empowerment Circle. I am repeatedly struck by the depth of vulnerability and tenderness that we share as a community. This is a safe space for you to come and share what is moving in your heart. The starting point for our conversation was the "wheel of life.” Are you living a balanced life or are you lacking in certain areas? Do you feel fulfilled in the areas of family, career, social, spiritual, physical, intellectual, and financial? Balance is a fluid thing, and it takes awareness and intentionality to feel fulfilled in all of these areas. And most of us are continuously course correcting. In life, we are in motion and the more aware we become the easier it is for us to notice what we need. Here are a few insights from our time together.

Spiritual 𓆩♡𓆪

The first thing that emerged was a conversation about how raregivers move through life with a kind of emotional sobriety, knowing fully well that there is a strong possibility your Rare child will leave this world before you do. This might mean that you keep frozen embryos just in case you may want to have another baby after that happens. As hard as it is, these are the truths that many raregivers live with.

Social 𓆩♡𓆪

Social connections are deeply important for human beings and as a raregiver, you need different kinds of connections. Many raregivers find that when they get together with a group of old friends who are not raregivers that they don’t fit in anymore and there can be awkward moments. You may outgrow old friends which is natural. We are here as your community and you can trust that you will meet people whom you can relate to. You might also need other kinds of social connections like going shopping and trying on clothes with a friend just for fun. Feed your social self with nourishing connections of different kinds.

Trust 𓆩♡𓆪

If you have both Rare and non-rare children, it can be incredibly hard to trust that your neurotypical children are going to live long and healthy lives, one in which they outlive you and the natural order of things unfolds. Maybe you feel like you're living in a fog of the future and you can't quite see it. What if you were to give yourself permission to allow yourself to envision the future? This is something that you may not allow yourself to do if your first child is your Rare child. 

Finding balance 𓆩♡𓆪

Finding balance means being attuned to your direct experience in the moment. For example, on some days in order to nourish yourself physically you take a gentle walk in nature while on others you challenge yourself to take a hard bike ride. And sometimes, you just need a rest day where you do ten minutes of gentle stretching. Trust that you know what you need.

Coming Up Next Week:  End Of Life & Survivorship (Stage 5 Emotional Journey Map)

In this session we will have the tender conversation about how as a raregiver you are trying to strike a delicate balance between trying to create and live a “normal” life and grieving daily (also called anticipatory grief) for the life that could have been—for yourself and your loved one. But at some point, you as a raregiver must grapple with how best to prepare for the end of your loved one’s life. 

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