This week in our Self-Care Tuesday Support Group we explored the landscape of emotions. This is the tender territory of the heart which stretches, breathes, and allows us to know ourselves in new ways. Breath is one of our greatest allies as we journey through our emotions. Breath makes space, and it is the space that allows us to trust and welcome whatever is arising.
Gentle opening
As you trust, you can open gently, allowing yourself to experience and savor the waves of emotions as they come and go. Recognize that you won't drown if you allow yourself to feel. You will be opened, stretched, and maybe even a little bit broken which is all a part of the healing process.
It's important to recognize that we are not in charge of when people leave, be that through divorce, illness, or death. When you have someone in your life whom you love deeply, remember that it's important to have the difficult conversations including the conversation about what you want for each other when the relationship ends.
You may feel like you have scars on your heart from things that have happened in the past. Do your best not to let the past overshadow the present. Take your time to feel rather than push things away or stuff them down. In your intimate relationships, work through the things that come up to keep the space clean and clear.
Feel all the feels
It takes courage to feel your feelings, and when you do your life is enriched, and by opening to your feelings, and being vulnerable with yourself, you allow yourself to live fully
Notice any limiting beliefs around, having feelings like, "it's not OK to feel sad or bad.” it is OK to feel in fact, it's absolutely necessary. These can interfere with your ability to have healthy relationships.
Taking time to journal and allow a stream of consciousness to flow out, can be very useful. It gives you an opportunity to be vulnerable with yourself. You need to be honest and vulnerable with yourself before you can practice this with others.
Coming up this week: The Places we Go When Things Are Uncertain or Too Much
Every day we have different emotions. But when things feel uncertain or too much, it can take us into stress, overwhelm, anxiety, worry and many more places. When we better understand how these emotions feel and show up in our lives, we can label them from a distance instead of being wrapped up in them. I invite you in to dismantle the definitions we’ve given ourselves.
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