In the Thursday morning Women’s Empowerment Circle we looked at how to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs. We talked about what keeps us stuck in our old habits and how these old habits limit our ability to live fully. We asked questions like: What is needed to have a breakthrough and what is in the way? As a raregiver it can be easy to get stuck and feel overwhelmed. The biggest thing that keeps us stuck is fear of the unknown and in the life of a raregiver so much unknown. Fear is the gatekeeper. The possibility is to feel your fear as well as your other feelings. Leaning into the discomfort of feeling will set you free and then movement can happen.
Flavors of Fear
Here are some of the types of fear that keep us stuck and playing small. These may include:
Fear of hurting others
Fear of the unknown
Fear of doing what's right for yourself and appearing selfish
Fear of being judged
Fear of being uncomfortable
Fear of being wrong/making a mistake
The best thing you can do when you're afraid is to coach yourself through it. Be your own best friend, be encouraging and stay the course. It's much easier to do this when your cup is full so remember to make time for self-care. A little bit goes a long way.
Ways to create movement
Many times when we are experiencing difficult things, we tend to isolate, and being a raregiver is inherently isolating. It can be helpful if you find yourself withdrawing or imploding to reach out to trusted people in your family or community. A great option is to attend either the Thursday or the Tuesday morning support groups, where you will meet others who can fully relate to your experience because they've been there.
Engage with your passion
You might also free up your energy and invite a breakthrough by creating space to engage with your passion whether it is writing, music, movement, nature, or any other art form. Whatever you choose to do, be intentional and put small steps on your calendar. Setting yourself up and taking action is a way to move forward gently offering kindness and compassion to yourself.
We hope to see you at our upcoming meeting this Thursday at 10am PT.